The 1st facility tour of Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Center was held as a side event of Japan CCS Forum 2019.

The 1st facility tour of Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Center was held today on June 10 with the presence of Mr. Isao Fukuhara, Vice Mayor of Tomakomai City as well as Mr. Hiroshi Nambo, Branch Manager of Global CCS Institute-Japan, and Shoichi Ishii, President of Japan CCS Co., Ltd.
This is the 1st tour of total 3 tours of Tomakomai CCS Demonstration Center as a side event of Japan CCS Forum 2019 which will be held on June 12. The facility tour is also a side event of “G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth”, which will be held in KARUIZAWA from June 15 and 16.